Friday, September 26, 2008



Disagreements are inevitable in any relationship. The key is to get through them and minimize the damage. So here are five things guys can do to make sure fights don't turn into all-out car destroying wars. . .

#1.) DON'T GET LOUD. Yelling makes things SO much worse. If you get caught up in your emotions during an argument, you've lost the ability to think things through. Try to remain calm and remember that SHE doesn't control when YOU get angry. You do.

#2.) DON'T CITE THE FACTS. Men generally try to win arguments by citing facts. But women couldn't care less. They'll just assume you're not really listening to what they're saying . . . so try to remember that FACTS won't change how she feels.

#3.) OWN UP. If you're in the wrong, admit it. Don't prolong a fight just because you want to be RIGHT.

#4.) REMEMBER, YOU CAN'T FIX EVERYTHING. When there's a problem, men usually want to fix it as quickly as possible. But remember, sometimes she's looking for emotional support, not a quick fix.

#5.) TAKE A STEP BACK. You don't have to agree with her, but try to remember that you do respect her. Acknowledge that her emotions are real, and stay focused on what SHE'S feeling. (


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