Wednesday, October 29, 2008



The days are getting shorter, so there's less time for outdoor activities. But if you want to kick your metabolism into high gear in time for the holidays, here are four easy ways to boost your metabolism and help you burn more calories . . .

#1.) EAT MORE OFTEN. Your metabolism is like a furnace: If you go too long without feeding it, it dies out and can be hard to get going again. You should still eat the same amount of food . . . just break it up into six meals instead of three.

#2.) SNACK ON PROTEIN. Eating things like meat, cottage cheese, and eggs, either with each meal or in between meals, can maximize the amount of calories you burn. A study found that your metabolism can DOUBLE after eating a high-protein meal with fewer carbs.

#3.) STRENGTH-TRAIN. When there's more muscle on your body, you use up more calories . . . even when you're just sitting around. By working out a few times a week, you can increase your metabolism by almost TEN PERCENT in just a few months.

#4.) REV UP YOUR CARDIO. The harder you exercise, the higher your metabolism goes. So try adding in a few intense spots to your workout. For example, if you jog, try sprinting for one or two minutes a few times during your run --A study found that adding intense intervals to your workout can help you burn up to 36 PERCENT more body fat.

#5.) DRINK SOME COFFEE. Drinking a caffeinated beverage like coffee, tea, or even soda can temporarily increase your metabolism by 3 or 4 percent. But don't go overboard. One cup can burn 10 extra calories an hour, but too much will make you jittery. (


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