Thursday, December 18, 2008



A little stress in your everyday life is normal. But if it becomes too constant it can influence your dreams and causes you to lose valuable sleep. Here are five common symbols in dreams that usually mean you're TOO stressed out . . .

#1.) NUDITY. Maybe you're at work or sitting in your classroom . . . the setting doesn't really matter. What does matter is . . . YOU'RE NAKED. A lot of people have the naked dream, and it usually means you're feeling unprepared or inferior in some way.

#2.) STORMS. If you're dreaming of tornados, hurricanes, avalanches, or even just rain storms, then you're probably dealing with an INTERNAL storm in your life. The good news is, if you can let the storm pass before you wake up, you won't feel as stressed out.

#3.) CRASHES. Whether it's in an airplane, a car, or a train, crashes represent deep anxiety and fear. People often think these dreams are premonitions, but crashes usually mean you're either pushing yourself too hard or you're worried about a looming disaster.

#4.) BUGS. Ants, spiders, moths or flies could mean a number of things. Some experts think that seeing bugs in your dreams means your life is about to get more complicated. Still, others think there's a more literal meaning . . . like, something's BUGGING you.

#5.) LOSING TEETH. Some experts say it means you feel powerless. Others say it's a sign your life's in a transitional phase. Whatever the reason is, if you're waking up in a panic and double-checking how many molars you have, it's probably time for a vacation.(


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