Friday, January 23, 2009



When you're on a date, it's important to be yourself . . . but it's also important to entice the guy you're on the date with. Nothing captures a man's interest like a confident woman, so here are four things you can do to project confidence and catch his eye . . .

#1.) LEAN IN. When two people talk over dinner, the table serves as a barrier that's usually not crossed. But if you DO break that barrier, dinner will be much more intimate. Tilt forward until there's only a foot or two between the two of you, and then lightly touch his hand.

--You might be nervous about bridging the physical gap, but it will actually ease the tension and let the date flow a little bit better.

#2.) LOWER YOUR VOICE. When a woman is turned on, her testosterone levels rise, and she naturally speaks in a deeper voice. That's why a low, husky voice is often considered sexy. It reminds men of sex. Plus, your voice is likely to be a little squeaky anyway if you're nervous.

#3.) TOUCH YOURSELF. Not like THAT. But when you touch your skin, men can't help but follow the path of your fingers. Plus, it'll have a soothing effect on you. During dinner, run your fingers over your shoulder or play with a necklace. Trust me . . . HE'LL NOTICE.

#4.) WALK IN FRONT OF HIM. Even as the date is wrapping up, you can still catch his eye. Men dig the thrill of the hunt. Walking a step or two ahead of him on the way to the car or to your door will make him subconsciously feel like he's chasing you.

--Plus, knowing he's checking out your backside will make you feel more desirable. (Cosmopolitan)


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