Monday, January 5, 2009



Losing your job is devastating. It can also be boring and depressing. That's why it's important to keep yourself busy. If you start acting like you're on vacation, you're in trouble. So, here are eight ways to make the most out of losing your job . . .
#1.) TAKE CARE OF LOGISTICS. When you're laid off, there are some unpleasant . . . but necessary . . . things to take care of. Before anything else, file for unemployment benefits, figure out your health-care coverage, and assess your financial situation.

#2.) MOURN. Once your ducks are in a row, it's okay to grieve. After all, losing your job is one of the hardest things you'll have to deal with in life. But after a few days of bad daytime TV and junk food, it's time to get moving again.

#3.) CREATE YOUR OWN JOBS. With eight extra hours in your day, you can't spend them ALL looking for jobs. So take care of some projects around the house. Remember, if you don't do SOMETHING, you could fall into a cycle of self-pity.

#4.) LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE. It won't hurt your chances of finding another job, and it's also something you'll be proud of. If you just spend 30 minutes a day, you'll make yourself a more well-rounded person, AND you'll be more valuable to employers.

#5.) VOLUNTEER. Did you know that over 80% of employers view volunteering as relevant work experience? Plus, it gives you a sense of purpose and empowerment . . . which is critical if you've been out of work for months and your self-esteem is suffering.

#6.) TAKE A CLASS. If you're lacking a skill that's kept you from advancing your career to the next level, now's the perfect time to fix it. In your free time, take a class that beefs up your resume and makes you even more marketable as a potential employee.

#7.) BE GOOD TO YOURSELF. Being jobless gives you time to reconsider your work situation as well as your life in general. Everybody's got something that's worth improving, and now that you have free time, there's no excuse for being lazy.

--For example, if you've been wanting to lose ten pounds, now's the time to do it. You'll be healthier physically AND mentally, because your self-esteem will get a big boost.

#8.) DON'T LIMIT YOURSELF. Looking for a job that's just like your old one really lowers your odds of finding something. So, don't be afraid to look elsewhere. Now is a good time to reexamine what matters to you, and to try something new. (


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