Tuesday, January 13, 2009



To learn how to deal with stress, kids need to be able to recognize when emotions and responsibilities become too much to handle. Here are eight things you can teach your child to help them identify stress and deal with it in a healthy way . . .

#1.) IDENTIFY THE SYMPTOMS OF ANXIETY. Teaching your children to recognize the physical symptoms of stress is the first step. Hair twirling, nail biting, eye twitching, and foot tapping are just a few important signals.

#2.) KEEP A JOURNAL. Many children internalize their stress and don't show physical symptoms. That's why keeping a journal is so important. Kids can express their anger, sadness, and frustration while effectively transferring their anxiety onto paper.

#3.) MAKE SURE THEY ASK FOR HELP. Everyone needs help sometimes, and it's important your kids know they don't have to do everything on their own. Letting them vent about the stress they're feeling will help teach them about EMOTIONAL support.

#4.) PLAN AHEAD. If your child has a big project at school, teach them to break the task up into parts that are manageable. A one-step-at-a-time approach will help them divide and conquer the anxiety in any situation.

#5.) SET PRIORITIES. For kids AND adults, the whole world can sometimes seem like a giant to-do list. So help your child decide what's most important and focus on that first. It's okay to put some things off until tomorrow if it helps your kids manage today.

#6.) IDENTIFY ACTIVITIES THAT RELIEVE STRESS. Listening to music, taking a walk, or calling a friend are all healthy ways to relieve stress. So teach your kids to identify the things that counteract their mounting stress.

#7.) GET ENOUGH SLEEP AND EAT RIGHT. When their schedules are packed with events, chores, challenges and responsibilities, make sure your kids take care of their basic needs first. If they're tired or undernourished, their stress levels will only increase.

#8.) GET SOME EXERCISE. It's especially important for kids to stay active. Exercise makes them feel more hopeful and energized, so no matter what's on their plate, make sure your kids find time to ride bikes, skate, or take part in whatever activity they like.--Plus, teaching them to relieve stress by exercising will help your kids maintain a healthy lifestyle in the long run, both emotionally and physically. (iVillage.com)


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