Thursday, February 5, 2009



I know a lot of us hit the wall halfway through the day, and we're always trying to fix it with sugar and caffeine. But, there are much healthier ways to get an energy boost. Here are three steps to help you recharge your batteries naturally . . .

STEP #1.) WALK AWAY. Take a 10-minute break and get out of the office. After you spend hours at your desk, the walls can start to feel like they're closing in. But a light breeze and the sound of passing cars can stimulate your senses enough to give you a boost.

--The idea here is to wake up naturally. So instead of reaching for your third cup of coffee, take a few minutes to stretch and move around. Your body is ALREADY storing extra energy . . . what you need to do is tap into it.

STEP #2.) DRINK WATER. We're WAY too into energy drinks these days. Most of the time, regular old H2O works much better. Dehydration is often to blame for low energy levels, but if you're not thirsty, just splash some water on your face.

STEP #3.) RETURN WITH A PLAN. While you're away from your desk, figure out how you'll attack the rest of your day. Set a few minor goals and give yourself some incentive. For example, promise to work hard for an hour, and then take another break.

--Giving yourself a goal breaks up your day and keeps you from getting burned out again. (


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