Tuesday, August 4, 2009



On Sunday, 86-year-old Ella Orko of Chicago, Illinois, was arrested after she got caught shoplifting from a local grocery store called Dominick's Finer Foods. But this isn't the first time Ella's been arrested. In fact, it's the 61st time she's been arrested.
According to police, Ella's first arrest was in 1956 for petty larceny and, overall, this is at least the 13th time Ella's been arrested for shoplifting.

Anyway, Ella's bond has been set at $10,000. Her next court appearance is scheduled for next week. (Chicago Sun-Times)

(--If you're wondering what Ella tried to shoplift, she got busted with five packs of salmon, 11 packs of AA batteries, four jars of instant coffee, two packs of anti-wrinkle cream and eight jars of face cream . . . all stuffed up her shirt.)
(--And take a look at Ella's mugshot here . . .)


If you're a good-looking guy, you're going to get noticed. Luckily for the rest of us, looks aren't the only thing women care about. So pay attention, because whether you're handsome or homely, supposedly these are the seven traits that make a man irresistible . . .

1.) MASTER THE WINK. Some guys are REALLY good at it. But the wink can be tricky to pull off. There's a fine line between a CONFIDENT wink and a CREEPY wink. So practice in the mirror before you use it anywhere.

2.) KEEP YOUR COOL. People tend to worry about things they can't control. So when a guy has a calming presence, it can put women at ease. It's very sexy when a guy seems to glide through life without stressing over every little thing.

3.) TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. This includes eating right, and staying physically fit. Guys, you don't have to hit the gym seven days a week, but staying in relatively good shape shows that you think about the future

--And the bottom line is, if a guy takes good care of himself, women assume he'll take good care of them too.

4.) HAVE STYLE. You can be clean-cut, punked-out, or anywhere in between. You just need to be CONSCIOUS of style. Men who throw on the same ratty clothes every day just aren't going to be considered sexy.

5.) SMELL GOOD. Okay, you can't control your natural scent. And our DNA dictates who smells good to us. But any man can improve his essence with a little bit of cologne. As long as it's not too much. A guy who smells good has something to work with.

6.) BE AFFECTIONATE. There are two types of guys: one guy will reach out and hold a girl's hand while he's driving. The other will keep his eyes on the road and his hands on the wheel. Sorry, but women think the first guy is sexier.

7.) LAUGH LOUD, HARD, AND OFTEN. Women like funny guys. But there are different TYPES of humor. Women DON'T tend to like insecure comedy . . . the kind that's based on putting other people down.

--But fun-loving guys who can laugh at THEMSELVES can be irresistible. (YourTango.com)



Caffeine stays in your system for about 12 hours. And it's generally a good idea to stop drinking coffee at least six hours before bedtime. But we all know that's not always possible. So here are four ways to fall asleep after too much coffee . . .

1.) CREATE A RESTFUL ENVIRONMENT. The caffeine in coffee boosts your senses, so you need to get rid of all stimulation. Turn of the TV, and don't play on the Internet. Any lights you leave on should provide "mood lighting." Nothing too bright.

2.) GET SOME LIGHT EXERCISE. If you're tossing and turning in bed, try going for a walk around the block. A little exercise will release serotonin in your body, which helps promote sleep. Just don't do too much. -Because walking too fast will raise your body temperature, which INHIBITS sleep. Cold air can wake you up too. So, if it's cold outside, try doing a few push-ups or sit-ups instead.

3.) HAVE A GLASS OF WARM MILK. This actually does work. Here's why: Milk is a good source of TRYPTOPHAN . . . the same sleep-inducing stuff that's in turkey and other meats. And it doesn't really need to be warm. A COLD glass of milk is fine.

-If you need a late-night snack, the carbs in whole wheat bread will help your body absorb the tryptophan. Just stay away from sugary snacks, which will wake you up.

4.) REST YOUR MIND. Caffeine makes your mind race. And watching TV offers too much stimulation. But reading a BOOK is actually RELAXING for your brain. If you're not a reader, close your eyes and picture relaxing locations, like waterfalls or beaches. --Seriously. Concentrate on the sounds and the details, and pretty soon you'll be out cold. (AskMen.com)


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