Monday, March 2, 2009



Research shows that people are affected by words, images, and body language without even realizing it. And a few subtle tactics can make big things go your way. Here are six jedi mind tricks to help you get what you want, at work and in life . . .

AT WORK . . .

#1.) IF YOU WANT TO SEEM LIKE A TEAM PLAYER . . . Put up a picture of your dog in your cubicle. If you don't have a dog, use a picture of a friend's dog. People tend to assume you're loyal if they see a picture of a dog on your desk. --But don't paper your entire wall with photos. Research shows that too many personal photos make other people think you're unprofessional.

#2.) IF YOU WANT MORE RESPECT . . . Wear a chic, all-black outfit to work, and smile less than you normally do. Studies have found that people in black uniforms are seen as more dominant. And neutral facial expressions are associated with power.

#3.) IF YOU WANT TO BOND WITH YOUR BOSS . . . Offer to buy him a cup of coffee, and then make conversation while he's drinking it. A recent study showed that just because he's holding the hot drink, he'll assume you're a likable person.


#1.) IF YOU WANT TO IMPRESS YOUR BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND'S PARENTS . . . Casually praise someone they admire, like a political figure, an author, or a celebrity. As you're talking about their hero, they'll subconsciously link you with that person's positive traits.

#2.) IF YOU WANT YOUR ROOMMATE TO CLEAN UP . . . Spray some all-purpose cleaner in the air before she walks into the room. A study shows that the faint smell of cleaning products can prompt people to start picking up the area around them.

#3.) IF YOU WANT TO TURN AN ACQUAINTANCE INTO A FRIEND . . . Mirror the person's behavioral tics . . . like scratching your head when he scratches his. Experts say it works because we subconsciously like to see ourselves in other people.

--And researchers at New York University found that when you're sitting across from someone who's unconsciously shaking his foot, the person feels more positive toward you if you start shaking yours.

(--What, don't believe us? Would we make this up? Actually, yeah, we would. But I swear, this is TRUE.) (


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