Monday, March 16, 2009



#1.) POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT: Or in other words . . . reward good behavior. Actually, parents don't use this one enough with their kids either. Like, if one of them is keeping quiet and staying out of trouble . . . just tell them how well they're behaving.

--And if your spouse lets you sleep in while they make breakfast Saturday morning, don't take it for granted. Make sure you thank them . . . because it'll increase the chances of it happening again.

#2.) KEEP IT SHORT: You have to know when to pick your battles with kids when they're acting up. The same goes for relationships.

--If you make every un-done chore a major domestic meltdown, you'll lose perspective on your marriage. So a quick reminder here and there about stuff you want done is an easy way to make your point, without making a big deal. (--This is also known as nagging.)

#3.) THE TIME-OUT: Obviously, this is a tried-and-true method of disciplining your kids. But you can't exactly tell an adult to go to their corner. But you CAN go to your OWN corner. If tempers are flaring and the argument is going nowhere . . . take yourself out of the fight. It forces the other person to deal with the situation on their own, and gives you time to recharge your batteries.

#4.) EXCHANGE QUALITY TIME: You know that when your rugrats are driving you insane, if you give them just a little bit of your undivided attention, you've bought yourself some peace and quiet. The same goes for relationships. If you're willing to do something your spouse wants to do . . . but you HATE . . . they're more likely to be willing to spend some quality time doing what YOU want to do.

#5.) CREATIVE DISCIPLINE: This is just a fancy way of saying "confront the problem and talk it out." Like if your kid is being a real brat, instead of punishing them, sit down and figure out TOGETHER how to fix the problem and change their behavior.

--So if you're angry that your spouse comes home late all the time, don't hold your feelings in. You'll just end up blowing up anyway. Instead, explain why it matters to you in the first place and . . . together . . . figure out a way to manage your expectations. (CNN)


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