Friday, March 13, 2009



A lot of things affect your health, but it all starts with your diet. Studies show that making a few small changes to the way you eat can add YEARS to your life. Here are five eating habits that will make you live longer . . .

#1.) A DAILY DOSE OF OMEGA-3. The recommended amount of omega-3, an unsaturated fatty acid, helps lower cholesterol and reduces your risk of cancer, stroke, and heart attack. Flaxseed, walnuts, and some leafy greens have it, but seafood is the best source.

#2.) EAT ANTIOXIDANTS EVERY 4 HOURS. They slow the aging process by protecting cells from harmful free radicals. But some antioxidants . . . like vitamin C . . . are water soluble, which means they only stay in your body for a few hours.

--Brightly colored fruits and vegetables are loaded with antioxidants. So try to have a different fruit or veggie with every meal.

#3.) DOUBLE YOUR FIBER. It helps prevent cancer, and it's good for your heart. In fact, every 10 grams of fiber that you eat each day reduces your risk of heart disease by 17 percent. Thirty grams per day is perfect, but most Americans eat half of that, or less.

#4.) STOP EATING WHEN YOU'RE 80% FULL. Researchers think that a low-calorie diet is the key component to long life. So stop eating when you're SATISFIED, not stuffed. And if you have to unzip anything after dinner . . . you’ve eaten too much.

#5.) EAT MORE PROTEIN. It helps repair the cells in your body, which is essential to your health . . . especially as you get older. Getting one-third of your calories from protein will help your body regenerate . . . and hopefully make you live longer. (


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