Friday, April 3, 2009



If you have allergies, then I don't have to tell you just how miserable this time of year can be. But it turns out humans are NOT the only ones who get allergies. In fact, according to veterinarians at Virginia Tech University . . . as many as ONE in TEN dogs have some sort of allergy, too.

I know what you're thinking . . . "Seriously? What could my dog possibly be allergic to?" Well, the most common dog allergy is to fleas . . . and just a single flea bite can cause an allergic dog to lose its fur. But a lot of dogs are allergic to pollens, molds and grasses . . . as well as certain types of foods . . . just like you and me.

So what can you do if your dog is always scratching itself or getting ear infections . . . which are the two most common signs of dog allergies?

#1.) Vacuum your house often.

#2.) Limit your dog's outdoor time in the morning and evening . . . when pollen counts are at their highest.

#3.) Bathe your dog frequently. (CNN)


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