Friday, April 17, 2009



It's hard to act casually on a date when the person across the table is judging you.

Here are four things you could be doing on dates that make you seem desperate . . .

#1.) GOING ON AND ON ABOUT YOUR EX. If you're still getting over a failed relationship, it might be the ONLY thing on your mind. But don't make it the main topic of conversation.

--Mentioning an old relationship is fair game, but if you start complaining about it . . . or show that you're still angry or sad . . . it's time to change the subject IMMEDIATELY

#2.) BROADCASTING YOUR SEX LIFE. Talking about how long it's been since your last roll in the hay WON'T win anyone over. If anything, you'll give your date the wrong idea and make them think you're only interested in one thing.

#3.) BEING WILDLY INAPPROPRIATE. People worry too much about impressing their date, and don't act naturally. When you're nervous, you're more likely to make inappropriate jokes, which will make your date think you're either desperate . . . or a jerk.

#4.) JUMPING THE GUN. If you were in a long-term relationship that ended, you might want to pick up where you left off. So make sure you don't FORCE things to move too fast. If you do, you'll scare the other person off.

--Instead of auditioning replacements for the Love of Your Life, have a little fun. Lighten up, and quit thinking of the person across from you as a potential soul mate. (


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