Monday, April 20, 2009



When little chores pile up, they become overwhelming. But if you find ways to keep those chores in check, you'll be less stressed and more capable of tackling bigger, more-important issues. Here are five practical ways to take care of the little things in life . . .

#1.) FOLLOW THE "ONE-MINUTE RULE". Don't postpone any task that can be done in less than a minute. Throw all your dirty laundry in the hamper, or sort through junk mail as soon as you get it. Doing little tasks like that quickly adds up in the long run.

#2.) TIDY UP BEFORE BED. Take five to ten minutes before bed each night and pick up around the house. Putting things in order is calming, and it can help you sleep better. Plus, waking up to a tidy house is a great way to start your day.

#3.) DO A DAILY ERRAND. Keep a list of things that need to be done but aren't urgent. Then do one every day. One errand is manageable, and if you keep at it, you'll end up running through your list.

#4.) BEFORE YOU KEEP ANYTHING, ASK YOURSELF, "DO I NEED THIS?". Most people accumulate junk. But if you throw out and recycle your old bill stubs and magazines, your house will remain clutter free, and you'll have less tidying to do.

#5.) KEEP A DAILY NOTEPAD. Instead of writing notes and phone numbers on whatever scrap of paper happens to be closest to you, train yourself to write them all in one place.

At the end of the day, copy anything you need to keep, then toss the list so you can start fresh the next day. (


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