If you have problems with dry skin or acne, you've probably tried everything to get rid of it. But you might be cutting out the wrong things. Here are four "BAD" things for your skin that are actually GOOD . . .
#1.) CHOCOLATE. According to a German study, people who eat around 3.5 ounces of chocolate a day have healthier skin. The only catch is, it has to be DARK chocolate, not milk chocolate like you find in a Snickers bar.
--Dark chocolate also helps with blood flow and makes your skin more resistant to sun damage.
#2.) FRUIT JUICE. It gets a bad rap because of all the sugar, but if you don't drink too much of it, it can actually be good. Some juices, like cranberry and pomegranate juice, make your skin healthier because they're packed with antioxidants.
--So having a glass of fruit juice a day is okay. But having THREE glasses is bad because it overloads your body with sugar.
#3.) SWEAT. Some people think sweat causes pimples. But sweating is actually one of the BEST things you can do for your skin. It releases dirt and opens up your pores, which is kind of like letting your skin take a big, deep breath.
#4.) GREASY FOODS. Okay, they're not exactly GOOD for your skin, but they're not that bad either. Contrary to popular belief, greasy foods like French fries and pizza DON'T cause acne . . . they just cause weight problems and heart disease.
--In fact, there's no proof that ANY type of food gives you pimples. (
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