Friday, November 7, 2008



Not sure how to handle some of life's stickiest situations? It's hard to dodge everything life throws at you, but here are five things that could happen and expert advice on how to react . . .

#1.) YOUR FRIEND'S SPOUSE COMES ONTO YOU. Should you tell your friend? Well, if it happens more than once, you might feel obligated to spill the beans. Just remember, your friend might already know what's up, and may not WANT to confront it.

#2.) YOU GOSSIP ABOUT SOMEONE IN AN E-MAIL, THEN E-MAIL IT TO THE PERSON BY MISTAKE. Start groveling . . . then own up to what you did. Seeing something mean written about you in cold, hard TIMES NEW ROMAN is tough.

#3.) YOUR 12-YEAR-OLD SON IS GETTING VERY SEXY TEXT MESSAGES FROM A GIRL. Do you talk to the girl's parents? . . . YES! . . . But make sure you talk to your son about it first. If you go behind his back, he'll be even angrier.

--And be delicate with the parents too. They probably won't take kindly to hearing naughty things about their innocent little angel.

#4.) A CO-WORKER KEEPS SAYING INAPPROPRIATE THINGS. Make a joke about the inappropriateness of the comment, but if it continues, take the person aside and talk about it. Just make sure you critique the REMARK, not the person.

#5.) YOUR FRIEND ASKS WHAT YOU THINK OF HER NEW BOYFRIEND, AND YOU HAVE NOTHING GOOD TO SAY. Honesty's NOT always the best policy. Often, people ask for your opinion, but really just want your praise and approval. (


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