Wednesday, November 5, 2008



We all love our four-legged friends, but there's a lot we don't understand about them. Here are the top ten mistakes that dog-owners make . . .

#1.) BUYING SPONTANEOUSLY. A lot of parents give their kids a pet for Christmas or as a birthday present, and then regret it later. Others just can't help themselves when they see a cute dog at the pet store. But dogs can be expensive, and they require A LOT of attention. So make sure you think it over first . . . because a pet should NEVER be an impulse buy.

#2.) SKIPPING OBEDIENCE TRAINING. Bad habits develop quickly, and as your dog gets older, it'll get harder and harder to train. So, unless you know what you're doing and are confident you can train your pet, get help from a professional.

#3.) BEING INCONSISTENT WITH THE RULES. If one person lets the dog on the bed and another person punishes her for it, the dog won't know WHAT to think. Make sure everyone knows what the rules are, and be as consistent as possible. (I am guilty of this one)

#4.) GIVING TOO MANY TREATS. Treats should be used as a training tool. If you give them away for no reason, they lose their value. So, try holding off until your pet does something good. Your dog's behavior will improve, and they'll lose weight.

#5.) NOT LETTING YOUR DOG SOCIALIZE. Pets that aren't around other animals at a young age can develop fears and aggressive behavior. Your dog should spend as much time as possible around adults, kids and animals, to let them get comfortable.

#6.) SKIMPING ON EXERCISE. Pets have pent-up energy that NEEDS to be unleashed. Dogs that aren't allowed to exercise tend to bark more often and can be hostile around other people.

#7.) LETTING THEM GET BORED. Pets with nothing to do, FIND something to do . . . which means you're buying new SLIPPERS. Make sure there's a window they can see out of, and buy them a new toy every so often.

#8.) LEAVING THEM ALONE. Your dogs and cats can deal with a quick trip to the store, but don't leave them alone for a whole day and expect everything to be fine. Like us, pets don't like solitary confinement . . . as evidenced by that stain on your carpet.

#9.) NOT MAKING YOUR HOME DOG-FRIENDLY. A cat without a good litter box will just use the carpet, and a dog without a bed will end up on the couch. If you don't give your dog its own AREAS and its own STUFF, it'll end up using yours.

#10.) PUNISHING YOUR PET. Screaming at your pet for chewing the remote control might help you let off some steam, but your pet won't connect the dots. It's okay to startle a pet if you catch them doing something wrong, but after the fact, it's pointless. --And NEVER punish your pets physically. They'll just learn to fear you. (


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