Tuesday, November 4, 2008



Tonight, people all over the country are throwing election parties. And whether you're hosting or attending, there are a few rules you'll want to follow to make sure everyone has a good time. Here are five election party rules that you should keep in mind . . .

#1.) FOOD AND DECOR. If you're throwing a party and you know your guests are all supporting the same candidate, it's okay to be one-sided. But if the party is a mix of Democrats and Republicans, make sure everyone will have fun. --For example, if you're making Obama-tinis, make some McCain Margaritas too.

#2.) REMEMBER WHY YOU'RE THERE. Your guests don't want to be screaming their heads off in heated arguments all night. So remember . . . you're there to have fun. All the votes have been cast, and you won't change anyone's mind on election night.

#3.) KNOW WHO YOU'RE TALKING TO. If you're going to a party, there might be people there that you don't know very well. So don't assume anything. You can never be sure how passionate someone is about a subject, so take things slow.

#4.) HAVE AN EXIT STRATEGY. Even if you stay calm and collected, someone else might be ready to pick a fight. So make sure you can quickly and painlessly end a conversation. Simply saying, "We'll have to agree to disagree," is usually enough.

#5.) BE A GRACIOUS WINNER (OR LOSER). Most people take politics VERY seriously. So don't gloat if your candidate wins or take your anger out on everyone else if he loses. Try to take things in stride. You'll have four years to brag and complain. (iVillage.com)


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