Tuesday, February 17, 2009



You spend forty hours a week with your co-workers, so talking to them about your personal life is inevitable. But revealing TOO MUCH about yourself can actually HURT your career. So here are ten things you should NEVER talk about at work . . .

#1.) POLITICS. You've seen how out of hand political discussions can get with your friends and family. Do you really want that in the workplace? Keep in mind that your family is obligated to love you no matter what . . . but your co-workers are NOT.

#2.) RELIGION. It's the same as politics, but MORE dangerous. Religion is one of those subjects you can talk about all day and never make any progress. Talking about it at work will definitely cause controversy and could turn friends into enemies.

#3.) SALARY INFORMATION. Salary is associated with WORTH. And when someone knows how much you make, they naturally start wondering if you're being paid more than you should be . . . especially if that person is being paid A LOT less.

#4.) MATTERS OF THE HEART. Your love life isn't as interesting to other people as it is to you, and crying on your co-worker's shoulder is unprofessional. Remember, soap operas might be fun to watch on TV, but no one wants one going on in the office.

#5.) GOSSIP. Spreading rumors or secrets WON'T help your career. So don't do it at work. Gossip is also one of the main reasons to keep YOUR secrets to yourself. If you tell one co-worker a secret, you'd better be prepared for the entire office to find out.

#6.) YOUR MEDICAL HISTORY. Your human resources department can't give out your medical information for a reason. If people find out you have . . . or had . . . a medical condition, they might treat you like a sick child . . . or an outcast.

#7.) CONFIDENTIAL WORK INFORMATION. If you start walking around telling people that one of your co-workers is going to be let go, you can easily get fired too for not keeping privileged information to yourself.

#8.) PLANS TO QUIT. When you're hunting for a new job, don't let co-workers know about it. Loose lips or devious motives can mean your secret finds its way to the boss. And if that happens, you could be let go before you've found another source of income.

#9.) YOUR SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES. If you use MySpace or Facebook to vent about your boss or complain about your job, DON'T let your co-workers see it. If you do, you'll have to censor everything on the page from that point on.

#10.) OFFENSIVE JOKES OF ANY KIND. In an episode of "The Office", Steve Carell's character gets in trouble for repeating a Chris Rock stand-up routine that's full of racially charged jokes and curse words.

--Remember, comedians get PAID to be edgy and offensive . . . but YOU get fired for it. (CNN.com)


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