Wednesday, March 11, 2009



Are your friends with kids pressuring you to become a parent ASAP? Do they talk about how great motherhood is and how easy labor was? Well, if you're not sure what to believe, here are four lies women tell each other about pregnancy and parenthood . . .

#1.) YOU'LL EASILY LOSE BABY WEIGHT IF YOU BREASTFEED. It might help, but losing the weight is still a challenge. And even if you hit the gym every day . . . which you won't have time to do . . . your stomach will never look the same again.

#2.) YOU'RE PROGRAMMED TO FORGET THE PAIN OF LABOR. Actually, giving birth is pretty terrifying. Even if you're drugged up, you won't forget all the blood and bodily fluids, or the fact that perfect strangers were staring at your most-private parts.

#3.) YOU'LL GET USED TO SLEEPING LESS. Actually, once the baby is born, you'll probably go INSANE from lack of sleep. Even military men go nuts after a few sleepless nights in a P.O.W. camp . . . and YOU were not trained for it.

#4.) A BABY WILL BRING YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND CLOSER. Well, maybe at first . . . but you'll soon realize that you can't do fun things together like you used to. Plus, you'll be so exhausted that sex will be the LAST thing on your mind. (


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