Friday, March 6, 2009



We're in the last few weeks of winter, which means you've probably been hanging out indoors a lot more than normal. Add to that a crappy economy and not being able to AFFORD to go out, and you've got a recipe for relationship 'cabin fever.'

--Here are four tips on how to survive . . .

#1.) SEPARATE YOURSELVES. Just because you're confined to the house doesn't mean you have to be on top of each other. If they're doing something in one room, find something to do in another. Distance yourself . . . BEFORE tempers start to flare.

--Also, make sure they aren't the only other person you have contact with. Talk to your friends on the phone, catch up on e-mail, update your Facebook page . . . do whatever you have to do to keep contact with the outside world.

#2.) DO SOME CHORES. You know there are a ton of things around the house you've been putting off. But being stuck inside gives you all the time in the world.
-- So, fix the leaky bathroom faucet, or if there's nothing to fix, clean up around the house. Organize your closets or garage. Any of it will be appreciated. And more importantly, it could defuse a future blowup.

#3.) PLAN ACTIVITIES APART. Take time out for some "me time" every week. Do things that will allow you to be alone, like reading or playing video games. And even if the weather sucks, it's still important to get outside once in a while.

--The fresh air and colder temperatures will get your blood flowing and calm you down. Take a brisk walk around the block, or check on friends who are feeling cabin fever too.

#4.) PLAN SOME ACTIVITIES TOGETHER. Even though you're around each other a lot more than usual, you should still plan certain activities to do as a couple. Suggest time-killers that aren't the typical board game or puzzle.

--If there's a TV show that one of you enjoys, but the other hasn't seen, use the time to get involved so you have something else in common. Or, try something creative like drawing, painting, or even just telling stories from your past that you've never shared. (Ask Men)


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