Tuesday, March 3, 2009



If you suddenly have less money coming in every month, then you know every penny counts. And since you're ALREADY using those energy-saving light bulbs to help with your electricity bill . . . here are five MORE ways to save money at home . . .
#1.) LOWER YOUR THERMOSTAT. You can save 10 percent on your heating bill by keeping the temperature low when you're not around. If you normally keep it at 68, turn it down to 60 when you leave the house. Newer thermostats can do it automatically.
#2.) TURN DOWN YOUR WATER HEATER. The standard temperature on your water heater is 140 degrees, but if you lower it to 130, you can save 5 percent on your energy bill . . . and you probably won't notice the difference in temperature.
--Some water heaters have a thermometer at the top AND one at the bottom. So, make sure you change them both.
#3.) WASH YOUR CLOTHES IN COLD WATER. Up to 90 PERCENT of the energy used to do laundry is to heat the water. Special cold water detergents are available now, and if you want to save even more, you can let your clothes air dry.
#4.) UNPLUG STUFF. Things like TVs, computers, coffee pots and DVD players can gobble up electricity even when they're turned off. But keeping them unplugged when they're not in use can save you up to 15 PERCENT on your electric bill.
#5.) KEEP OUT COLD AIR. If you haven't sealed leaks around your windows and doors, DO IT. Leaks can cause 40 PERCENT of your heat to LITERALLY go out the window. Installing double-pane windows helps too. Heat leaks through a single pane of glass 14 TIMES FASTER. (Real Simple Magazine)


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