Tuesday, March 10, 2009



A good night's sleep makes you smarter, happier, healthier, and slows down the aging process. But when you're stressed out because of work or problems at home, it's common to have problems falling asleep.
So here are six tips to help you get to sleep faster . . .

#1.) GET SOME EXERCISE. Exercise reduces stress and increases the amount of deep sleep you get. If you're tired all day, but you STILL can't fall asleep at night, the first thing you should try is some exercise, about 4 hours before bedtime.

#2.) DON'T DRINK BEFORE BED. A nightcap might help you FALL asleep, but sleeping under the influence affects the QUALITY of your sleep in major ways. In fact, even SMALL amounts of alcohol can interfere with sleep cycles and prevent dreaming.

#3.) CUT BACK ON CAFFEINE. It makes you more alert and increases your heart rate . . . the opposite of what should happen at bedtime. And caffeine can stay in your system for up to 14 hours. Which means a coffee at noon can keep you up at midnight.

#4.) OPEN A WINDOW. You should keep your bedroom COOL, but not COLD. Somewhere between 55 and 75 degrees is best. A cool room makes it easier for your body temperature to drop, which has to happen before you can enter a deep sleep.

#5.) DON'T HAVE A MIDNIGHT SNACK. The calories increase your body temperature and make it harder to fall asleep. Plus, if you have any digestive problems like heartburn, eating a meal before bedtime is asking for trouble.

#6.) USE YOUR ALARM . . . EVEN ON SUNDAY. If you see a sleep specialist, he'll probably insist on it. The reason is, it helps keep you on a schedule. And the more predictable your sleep is, the better your body works. (Yahoo.com)


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