Tuesday, April 7, 2009



Did you know that 90 PERCENT of doctor visits are due to stress-related problems? It's true. Anxiety affects almost every aspect of your health. Trying to make huge life changes can be stressful itself, so here are five of the easiest ways to relieve anxiety . . .

#1.) FIND A RYTHYM. According to researchers at Stanford University, listening to music that has a steady beat can cause your brain waves to function rhythmically and relax you. Try loading your iTunes with a list of songs that get your foot tapping.

#2.) PHONE A FRIEND. Pouring your heart out can help you cope with stress AND it helps you come up with new ways to solve problems. Just don't forget to return the favor. Offering support can make you feel needed, which also reduces anxiety.

#3.) CHANGE YOUR LIGHT BULBS. Outfit your desk lamp with an old-fashioned incandescent bulb . . . especially if you're surrounded by fluorescent lights. Combining the two types of light can trick your body into thinking it's actually sunshine.
-And sunshine . . . or the perception of it . . . regulates your body's biorhythms. If you don't have enough, your immune system can get weak and mood swings can get worse.

#4.) DINE BY CANDLELIGHT. Low levels of light tell your brain to release melatonin, which gives you a better night's rest. Making sure you get enough sleep is the best way to keep your stress level down and your immune system up.

#5.) ANTICIPATE SOMETHING FUN. It doesn't have to be something HUGE. It just has to be something you look forward to each day. Maybe that's your mid-morning coffee break or the vacation you're taking in a few months. Whatever it is, focus on something fun, and it will keep your mind from drifting to all the things that COULD go wrong each day.

#6.) COMPLIMENT SOMEONE. When someone deserves a compliment, give them one. Research shows that the more personal connections you make, the better you body is at dealing with all kinds of stress.--Plus, making someone else feel good will make you feel good too. (SELF.com)


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