Thursday, July 23, 2009



Ladies, have you ever been dumped, but didn't know why? It could be because the guy WAS a jerk, but there are certain types of girls seem to get dumped A LOT. Are you one of them?

According to men, five types of women send them running for the hills . . .

#1.) THE DRYER SHEET. This is a girl who's too clingy. No matter where her guy goes or who he's with, he can't shake her. But guys crave freedom, so being that clingy is suffocating.

--Even if he says he LOVES spending time with you, you need to back off now and then.

#2.) THE NUTCASE. Ladies, do you flirt with other guys just to make your boyfriend jealous? Do you scream at him in public? Here's a test: If you think you'd be great on "The Hills" or "The Real Housewives Of New Jersey", you might be a Nutcase.

#3.) THE FULL DISCLOSER. You don't need to re-cap every conversation you had with your mother, talk about your cat's eating habits, or get into the details of your 'monthly cycle.' It's great to be comfortable with a guy, but a little mystery helps too.

#4.) THE DRAMA QUEEN. Drama Queens always threatens to leave, but if HE tries to dump YOU, you have a meltdown and beg him to stay. It's like being a Nutcase, but more emotional. If you're always in rollercoaster relationships, you're a drama queen.

#5.) THE TIMEKEEPER. If you complain that you're not a guy's number one priority, you're like the clingy Dryer Sheet, but more manipulative. So you're more likely to lay a guilt trip on a guy when he goes out with friends, or works overtime at the office. (


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