Monday, August 31, 2009


Flying pretty much sucks as it is. But it can be a lot more stressful if you're sitting next to someone with bad airline etiquette. So here are eight flying etiquette tips to keep in mind the next time you fly . . .

1.) CELL PHONES. If you HAVE to make a phone call before take-off or after landing . . . keep your voice down. And don't yap on the phone with one hand while you struggle with your bag in the overhead bin. Deal with your bags, THEN make the call.
--The people behind you want to get off the plane too . . . so keep both hands free.

2.) STAY IN YOUR OWN SEAT. If you're spilling out over the armrests, you're NOT in your own seat. And don't hoist yourself up by grabbing the headrest of the seat in front of you. It's annoying, and you might grab a handful of the person's hair by mistake.

3.) RESPECT YOUR NEIGHBOR. Don't assume that the person next to you wants to talk. If you strike up a conversation, and the person responds with one-word answers, it's a safe bet they'd prefer some peace and quiet.

4.) BABIES AND SMALL CHILDREN. No one likes to sit next to a screaming infant . . . including the PARENTS. They already know how annoying the crying is, and if they could stop it, they would. So grin and bear it, or see if you can move to a different seat.

5.) KEEP YOUR SHOES ON. If you've ever had to sit next to someone with rank feet, you know how awful it can make the flight. Some people like to feel completely relaxed on the plane . . . but if it keeps OTHER people from relaxing, keep your shoes on.

6.) USE THE LITTLE HOT TOWEL CORRECTLY. Those steaming white towels some airlines hand out are NOT for your face. You're supposed to wash your HANDS with them . . . not your face, ears, neck, or . . . God forbid, armpits.

7.) HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR. If a flight attendant spills a drink on you, STAY CALM. As a rule, don't get overly aggressive with others at 30,000 feet . . . People tend to panic.

8.) WAIT YOUR TURN. When you're getting off the plane, wait for the people in front of you to go first. If you push your way through to the front, you'll get lots of angry looks . . . and you'll only get off the plane a few seconds earlier. It's not worth it.


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