Tuesday, October 20, 2009



Did you go for "sugar-free" Halloween candy this year? If you did, then be careful how much you eat. Sugar-free candy still has a lot of calories . . . sometimes almost as much as regular candy. Surprised?

Well here are five more candy health myths to keep in mind this Halloween.

MYTH #1.) DARK CHOCOLATE. It IS better for you than milk chocolate is, but it shouldn't be considered "healthy." Some studies show it's good for your heart. But only if you eat a QUARTER-POUND every day. And obviously, that would be BAD for your body as a whole.

MYTH #2.) CANDY WITH FRUIT AND NUTS. Chocolate-covered peanuts and raisins SOUND healthier, but they're not. They just add more fat and sugar.

MYTH #3.) YOGURT-COVERED CANDY. The yogurt they use has no real health benefit, because it's mainly sugar. Plus, pretzels dipped in yogurt and pretzels dipped in chocolate have about the same number of calories.

MYTH #4.) CANDY WITHOUT CHOCOLATE. Chocolate is half sugar and half fat, unless it's gourmet. Hard candy is ALL sugar. So it works out that both have about the same amount of calories.

To put it in perspective, a chocolate bar has the same number of calories as five Twizzlers.

MYTH #5.) ALL CHOCOLATE BARS ARE THE SAME. It's not true. A Three Musketeers bar has a third less fat than most candy bars, and a York Peppermint Patty has two-thirds less fat.

Tootsie Rolls are fat-free, and they're lower in calories. Just don't eat too many.(NeverSayDiet.com)


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