Wednesday, August 20, 2008



Summer officially ends September 22nd, so it's not too late to join in the fun. Here are four tips on how to plan a last-minute vacation you can afford . . .

STEP #1) PICK A DESTINATION NEARBY. Buying a plane ticket at the last minute doesn't make sense financially. So choose somewhere within driving distance. The closer you stay to home, the less time you'll waste traveling. (There are a ton of things to do right here in New Hampshire!!!)

STEP #2) SEARCH FOR DEALS. A lot of people are staying home this year, so vacation hot-spots are offering AMAZING deals. And the fact you're booking last minute can actually work to your advantage.

STEP #3) DON'T PACK AT THE LAST-MINUTE. Just because you're traveling last-minute doesn't mean you should leave the PLANNING to the last-minute. Make sure you pack all the essentials. --Forgetting something important normally means your vacation is delayed. When you're traveling last-minute, it means no vacation at all.

STEP #4) PACK PLENTY OF DRINKS AND SNACKS. Your time is more valuable than usual when you're taking a last-minute trip, so make sure you pack your own food and drinks for the road. --It's cheaper, and you'll save time getting to your destination, where you can FINALLY relax. (


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