If you're low on energy but tired of chugging coffee, here are five strange but real ways to rev yourself up without all that caffeine . . .
#1.) CHANGE YOUR SOCKS. It sounds weird, but try it. Bring an extra pair of socks to work with you. Then when you start feeling drained around three o'clock, change them. You'll be amazed how refreshing it is.
#2.) WORK OUT EARLIER. If you work out at night, it might prevent you from getting enough sleep. Scientists think it floods your brain with stress hormones that make falling asleep harder. -And if your workout leaves you sluggish and exhausted the next day, it's not really doing you much good.#3.) EAT CHIA SEEDS. You know about the CHIA PET, but you probably don't know that the seeds used to grow those things are a great energy source. You can buy them in bulk at health food stores, and they can be incorporated into most meals.
#4.) SNIFF SOME CITRUS. Research has shown that just the smell of citrus can make you more alert. You could cut into an orange and take a whiff, or you could rub some citrus-scented lotion on your hands. Both should work.
#5.) STAND ON YOUR TOES. According to experts, if you roll up and down on your toes, it wakes up your circulatory system. More blood starts flowing, which means more oxygen and glucose is sent through your body, so you feel more energized. (Glamour Magazine)
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