Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ashley @ Night's TOP 5 Favorite Beach Activities

SO I'm having fun with this Top 5 list for JYY... Maybe I'm just watching too much High Fidelity? Who cares! However, in celebration of this BEAUTIFUL weather, I'm suggesting that everyone take a beach day this Friday! It's supposed to be 85 and gorgeous! To make your beach day even more enjoyable, I thought I would share my all time favorite beach activities...

Let's get it started!
5) Italian Ice: I realize this is not an activity, but when your soakin up the sun, nothing is nicer than a chilly Italian Ice. My favorite is lemon... YUM!

4) Flying a Kite: I have never been skilled enough to get my kite off the ground, but I love watching children of all ages make the attempt. Even if there is no breeze to be found, little kids running with their kite flailing behind them greatly amuses me. Let's go fly a kite!!

3) Tanning: Nothing says "I went to the beach today" like a killer tan. HOWEVER you must always protect yourself from the UV Rays... so make sure you have some sunscreen protection. There is a fine line between 'Sexy Tan' and 'Burnt Lobster'... don't be the latter.

2) Beach Football: Maybe it's because I grew up in a family full of boys, but I love bringing a football to the beach and tossing it around. In the sand or in the water, it's fun for the whole family!

1) SANDCASTLES!!: My dad is a master at creating the coolest sand castles or sand sculptures on the PLANET! He has shared his tricks with me and, although I'm not even close to as good as him, I LOVE attempting to build funky things out of the sand. So if you ever trying to find me at the beach, I'll be the one covered from head to toe in sand.

Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts!! I know school starts soon so why not enjoy one last beach day?! Don't forget to bring your sunscreen and you shovel and pail.

See you in the sunshine!!

Ashley @ Night


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