Monday, August 25, 2008



You can't choose your family, and you can't always choose the people you work with. Most offices have at least one or two difficult personalities, but here are 4 ways to make your office experience as painless as possible . . .

#1.) GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE. When a co-worker or an employee does a good job, let them know it. Competition in the office is bad for morale. Instead, embrace the idea that you're a team and when one person wins, everybody wins.

#2.) BALANCE WORK AND LIFE. Sometimes, you make work harder than it is by living and breathing your job. Make sure you separate the rest of your life from your work and you'll enjoy BOTH a lot more.

#3.) HAVE FUN. Create situations where you can bond with your co-workers. Instead of inviting your closest friends from work out for a drink, invite someone you normally wouldn't. They'll appreciate it, and they might be a little friendlier on a daily basis.

#4.) FOSTER RELATIONSHIPS. Let's face it, you don't always have the option of avoiding the people at work that you don't get along with. So fostering some sort of positive relationship is the best way to go.

--If you can't control how THEY act, you CAN put aside your differences, and try to be the bigger person. In the end, you'll make things easier on yourself.


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