Tuesday, October 7, 2008



Finding a job is never easy, but during a recession, it can seem like it's almost IMPOSSIBLE. And with so many people looking for work, there's a lot of competition out there. So here are five ways to help you land your next gig . . .

#1.) MARKET YOURSELF. Spend time creating a flawless resume and a great cover letter. Let them know you'll be a valuable addition to the company. If they see something unique about you, your resume is LESS likely to find its way to the bottom of the pile.

#2.) GO BACK TO THE BASICS. Even if you've gone to a million interviews, DON'T GET LAZY. Research each job and practice your answers over and over again. If nothing else, you'll be more confident, and they'll notice.

#3.) REV UP YOUR SOCIAL NETWORKING. Most jobs go to someone who knows someone else at the company. So make sure you use your connections, and ask around about job opportunities.
--If you're not on websites like Facebook and LinkedIn, you should be. Get back in touch with old colleagues. You never know where that next job will come from.

#4.) DO PART-TIME OR FREELANCE WORK. It can be easier to get than a full-time job, and when something DOES open up, you'll be the first to know. Plus, it's a good way to make sure you still have SOME money coming in while you're out of work.

#5.) BE REALISTIC. It can take THREE MONTHS or more to find a job that pays $40,000 a year . . . and for every $10,000 over that, add another month. In other words, if you're looking for an $80,000 a year job, it might take seven months . . . so hang in there. (CareerBuilder.com)


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