Wednesday, October 8, 2008



When you're in a relationship, and you want to improve things, you have to say what you want. Because if you never say what you want . . . you won't get it. So, here are five steps to help you get what you want without making demands . . .

#1.) KNOW WHAT YOU WANT. Do you want better communication? More time with your friends? You'll have a better chance of getting what you want if you have a clear idea of what "IT" is. Before you talk about it, take some time and think it through. Grab a pen and write it down in one clear, concise sentence.

#2.) WAIT FOR A GOOD TIME. Don't start a big relationship talk when you're paying bills, or when someone's favorite TV show is on. Wait until you BOTH have time, and can concentrate on ONE issue without getting sidetracked.

#3.) SIMPLY STATE WHAT YOU WANT. Get right to the point. You don't want to sound like you're accusing the other person of something . . . because then they might get defensive. Instead, just ask for what you want and explain WHY it's important to you.

#4.) BE READY TO HEAR A "NO". Things can get ugly if you're not ready for rejection. Remember, if you can't accept NO, then you're not asking for something . . . you're DEMANDING it.

#5.) REMEMBER TO LISTEN. You might not hear a YES at first, so make sure you listen up. A good back-and-forth conversation is an opportunity to win someone over. (


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