Tuesday, September 22, 2009



There's no way around it: being late makes you feel like an goober. Whether you're at work, picking up a friend, or showing up for a date. And if you're CHRONICALLY late, it makes you look like bad.

So here are four ways to make sure you're more punctual .

#1.) MAKE IT WORTH YOUR WHILE. Ask yourself: "What will I gain by getting there on time?" Will you beat traffic? Will you make progress towards getting a raise? If nothing else, at least you won't have to come up with another ridiculous excuse.

#2.) STOP DOING "ONE MORE THING." A lot of people are late because they always try to do "one more thing" before they leave the house . . . like checking email or throwing in a load of laundry. Instead, make that the FIRST thing you do the minute you get home.

#3.) DON'T MESS WITH YOUR CLOCK. Have you ever set your clock ahead ten minutes to force yourself to be on time? Then you know it doesn't work. It might make you FEEL like you're doing something about your lateness, but it only changes one thing: You show up when your watch says 9:15, instead of 9:05 . . . but you're still not there at 9:00.

#4.) PLAN TO BE EARLY. Some people would rather sprint to their gate at the airport than get there an hour early and wait. And if they ARE ever early, they kill time by reading magazines or playing cell phone games . . . instead of doing something worthwhile. --Instead, plan ahead and bring something that IS worthwhile. Try going over bills or checking your kid's homework while you wait. Time will fly. Plus, you'll check things off your list, and create more time in your day. (AskMen.com)


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