Monday, September 21, 2009



For TWO out of every THREE women over 65, their primary source of income is . . . Social Security. And that's almost never enough. That's one reason YOUNGER women should focus on making as much money as possible. Here are four more reasons . . .

#1.) WOMEN EARN LESS. Three out of five women earn less than $30,000 a year. And the less you make now, the less you'll collect in Social Security later. It's partly because of the "wage gap." -That means women still get paid 78 cents for each dollar men get paid.

#2.) WOMEN WORK FEWER YEARS. On average, women spend 12 years less than men do in paid jobs . . . usually because they take time off to raise children. And that drastically impacts a woman's ability to save for retirement.

#3.) WOMEN LIVE LONGER. The average life expectancy for men in the U.S. is 75 years old. For women, it's 80, which means women need more money for retirement. And to add insult to injury, women usually spend those last few years alone.--According to AARP, women over 65 are twice as likely to be widowed, which means they then have to handle their finances by themselves.

#4.) "THE PRINCESS PROBLEM." More young women are working now than ever before. But evidence suggests that a lot them think of it as a JOB, not a CAREER. That's because they assume a man will eventually come along and take care of everything. --Fifty years ago, that was a somewhat safe assumption. But these days, it's just not as likely. (


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