Tuesday, November 3, 2009



Americans spent $10.3 billion on cosmetic surgery in 2008. That's down 9% from 2007. But According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the NUMBER of cosmetic procedures went up by 3%.

because people are getting more of the SMALL procedures that cost LESS. And some of them are getting more affordable. So here are six plastic surgeries you can afford . . .

#1.) SPIDER VEIN LASER TREATMENT. Skip the needles and go with the Cynosure Synergy Multiplex treatment. It takes between two and four visits at around $250 each, but there's a quick recovery time, and other options can cost twice as much.

#2.) HAIR PLUGS. Actually, it's called Micro-hair grafting, and it costs around $5 per plug. If you're COMPLETELY bald and you want a FULL head of hair, it could cost up to $40,000. But you pay for it as you go. And most guys aren't cue balls. --Plus, once you reach a certain number of plugs . . . say, 1,000 . . . doctors will usually start charging less per plug.

#3.) LASER FAT REMOVAL. You could lose six or seven inches with liposuction, but it's expensive and invasive. Another option is Zerona. It's a laser treatment that makes fat cells melt away. You can lose three or four inches from your waist for about $2,000.

#4.) FACIAL SPOT REMOVAL. A procedure called the LimeLight Facial uses a laser to zap away red and brown spots on your face. It costs around $500 per session, and most people need to go back once or twice. But other options cost up to $4,000.

#5.) EARLOBE LIFT. It's for women who've been wearing heavy earrings for years, and for people who get those huge plugs in their earlobes, then regret it. Either way, your ears can look normal again for about $350 per ear. And you can wear earrings again in six months. (WalletPop.com)


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