Tuesday, September 2, 2008


-- It never ceases to amaze me the stupid things people will do to get into the "Guinness Book of World Records". For example, over the weekend, a 9-year-old Brittish girl set a new world record by placing 25 SNAILS on her face . . . at one time. In order to set the record, you have to balance all the snails on your face, then lean forward for TEN seconds. She smashed the old record of 15 snails . . . which was set back in March.

-- I understand that real estate in San Francisco is expensive . . . but this is out of control. Right now, a real estate company is selling 98 condos in San Francisco's South of Market neighborhood . . . for just over $200,000 apiece. Now, in an area where condos regularly sell for $1 MILLION, this sounds like a pretty good deal, right? Except, you have to keep in mind that these condos have NO bedrooms or closets . . . and they're only about 250 to 350 square feet (--or about the size of seven ping pong tables). (--In other words, if you bought one of these places, you'd be paying around $1,000 per square foot. How ridiculous is that?)

-- And finally, would you like to lower your food bill? Of course you would . . . so maybe you should think about buying your own mini cow. What's a mini cow? Well, it's sort of self-explanatory. Mini cows are just like regular cows . . . only they've been genetically altered so they only grow about as big as a German Shepherd. So what are the advantages to owning one of these cows?

#1.) Mini cows produce about 16 pints of milk a day . . . which you can drink without pasteurization.
#2.) They're only half the size, but mini cows produce 70% of the steak of a regular-sized cow. #3.) You can keep a mini cow in your backyard . . . and it'll essentially mow your lawn for you with its grazing. You know it, we have a picture available on line.

Click here for more info about Mini Cows..


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