***FOUR FOODS THAT PREVENT HAIR LOSS ***Whether you're finding clumps of your hair in the shower drain . . . or just worried that your thick, lustrous locks won't last forever . . . here are four foods that will keep your scalp healthy, and hopefully prevent hair loss . . .
#1.) FISH, EGGS AND BEANS. Hair is primarily made up of protein, so it makes sense that a high-protein diet helps maintain a healthy head of hair. Fish, eggs and beans are all high in protein, so eating enough of them will help. --BUT . . . eating a steak every day WON'T really help much. Too much fat can actually lower testosterone levels in your body, and make you lose hair faster.
#2.) RAISINS. They're packed with iron, which increases blood flow and stimulates hair growth. If you don't like raisins . . . eggs, dates and dark green vegetables like kale will also do the trick.
And since Vitamin C helps you absorb iron, fruits like oranges, strawberries and lemons should be on your shopping list too.
#3.) BEAN SPROUTS. To help prevent hair loss, you need to make sure your body is getting enough silica. Silica helps your body absorb vitamins, and if you're not getting enough of it, those multivitamins you're taking might not be doing much.
Bean sprouts, cucumbers and green peppers are packed with silica, and if you eat them raw, you'll take advantage of their full nutritional value.
#4.) SEAFOOD. It's packed with zinc, which manages the glands attached to your hair follicles. When you're low on zinc, those follicles weaken, but eating enough seafood will help. And it's better than taking a supplement, since TOO MUCH zinc can actually CAUSE hair loss. (AskMen.com)